Catherine’s Certified Professional Coach Achievement

Catherine’s Certified Professional Coach Achievement

This has been a momentous journey of self-discovery, self-awareness, personal growth and transformation.

I am grateful to God for this momentous achievement which has its genesis in my passion of helping to build healthier, stronger, more resilient, thriving, adventurous and happy marriages.

This is in recognition of the fact that the institution of marriage is the origin of the family and the family is, in turn, the basic cell on which society is founded. Hence happy , healthy marriages translate to happy families, which in turn translate to a flourishing nation composed of mentally, morally, and physically healthy, thriving families.

On the global scale, this translates to a sound economic and social life and enduring world peace, since the future leaders of our country and the world will come from our families.

To this end, I founded TACOH Coaching Services Limited, a life and marriage coaching service that offers personalised coaching services to inspire and empower individuals preparing for marriage, married individuals and married couples to discover and maximise both their personal and professional potential, and to create the best version of the marriage that they want. 

TACOH is an acronym for “Take A Chance On Happiness.”

TACOH Coaching Services Limited also offers life coaching, I recognition of the fact that, well, life happens and that all areas of a person’s life are interconnected.

I thus launch out on this new phase in my life determined to keep learning every day, to leverage all the experience I have so far gained in my life so far as a wife, mother of six children, enthusiastic homemaker who loves baking, State counsel in the Hon. The A-G’s Office for 18 years, Partner at Nyiha, Mukoma & Co. Advocates, mentor, Strathmore Business School alumna,Founder and Director of Signet Books ( a bookselling service and gift shop that features spiritual, marriage, parenting and family books, and small gifts), University of Liverpool ( Master of Laws in International Business Law), Certified Public Secretary, marriage preparation facilitator at my parish ( Our Lady of the Rosary, Ridgeways), and to keep pushing the limits in my continuous and unrelenting quest for self-improvement and knowledge.

I intend to leverage all this experience and knowledge to deliver excellent coaching value to my clients all the time, every single time in their search for happiness as they TACOH!”

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